June 18, 2010

Feathered Friends

Early this year, I was given a gift from my grandparents....a parakeet who I named Cody. He's become a great friend, although I only get to see him when I go visit my grandparents. You see, I have three cats living with me at home, and I didn't want poor Cody ending up as my furry friends' lunch!

I have found that parakeets have an unusual appetite. Cody's favorite food, beside seeds, of course, is celery. He just loves it and just finds it hard to resist! If it were up to me, I'd rather have pizza!

One of Cody's favorite things to do is get out of his cage and spread his wings. He loves to fly around the house and sometimes lands and slides on the windowsill. So far, we've been lucky not to have any birdy-doo-doo droppings land on grandma's floors! I don't think she's appreciate that very much, but so far, we've been lucky!

Parakeet Care

While parakeets are from the hardier parrot family, they still need a lot of care! Try feeding your parakeet chopped up noodles or try a variety of fruits and veggies to see which are your parakeet's favorites. My parakeet Cody is partial to celery, of all things! Once in a while, let your parakeet out of his cage. DO NOT let them out on there first day because they are scared. If you let them get accustomed to their surroundings first, they'll gradually feel more comfortable leaving their cage.